Tuesday, 23 June 2015

A Year In My Steps

It's no big secret that my one big weakness is shoes. The purchase of a good pair of shoes is like a massive drugs rush. I get that same rush when I get home and try them on with half my wardrobe. I know its a sickness. But one I have no intention of getting help for any time soon.

Anyway here are a few of the shoes that have made their way into my collection over the last year.

Enjoy x



Office Shoes




Of course I'd be lying if I said there hadn't been one or 2 additions to this family since making this post but then that's for next time.

Thank you

B xx

Saturday, 6 June 2015

June Fitting Room Selfie Lookbook

Head to toe (H2T) H&M
I had a couple of work meetings in the West End yesterday at My Area Office and finished my work day on a real happy high, which is always awesome on a beautiful, sunny Friday afternoon and thought why not have a peruse around some shops whilst I'm here. So there I am in Topshop having a wonder when low and behold I find myself in the fitting room with an arm full of goodies to try on. Now I'm not some 15-25 something, still living at home with some big ol' disposable income. Neither am I one of those daughters who are regularly tapping into the Bank Of Mum & Dad. I'm a big ass grown women who has a mortgage and pays all of her own bills. Therefore I do not have the funds to be buying up a whole hell of clothes so I can blog about them and not just bombard you with what I buy from work. So as I was taking a blatant selfie of the outfit I already had on so I could post it to my instagram a brilliant idea came to mind. Why not do lookbooks of fitting room selfies. That way I get to show you guys a whole heap of different outfits and looks without being evicted from my flat from not being able to pay my mortgage because I've bought too many clothes. So here it is, my first Selfie lookbook.

Duster waistcoat - Topshop everything else as before

Top - Topshop, Culottes - Topshop, Necklace - H&M, Sandals - H&M, Bangles - H&M
All as before
Lace Blouse - Topshop, everything else as before

Culottes Jumpsuit - Topshop, Necklace and Sandals as before

Culottes Jumpsuit - Topshop, everything else as before

I'm not going to lie I had so much fun making this post and so interesting that not one person batted even the slightest eyelash at me taking all of these selfies in the fitting room where as a few years ago everyone would have been looking me up and down wondering who is this narcissistic a-hole taking pictures of herself. 

One thing I will say though is Topshop Oxford Circus will you please for the love of all things sacred sort out the aircon in your fitting rooms. I love heat be jeez louise it's like a fricking sauna up in there. Really not pleasant to be in there at all. Ok mini rant over.

I've tried to link as many items as I can as I know I sometimes forget to do so. If you have enjoyed this and would like to see more fitting room selfie lookbooks please thumbs up or leave a comment below. Would be good to know which stores you'd like me to stalk next.

Now as much as I was trying to be oh so good, one of these outfits did find it's way home with me. Can you guess which one it was. To find out keep a look out for my next post, my June Haul, where all will be revealed.

Until next time, have a good one

B xx