Thursday 10 September 2015

Indian Dreams

As I prepare the last of my things for what can only be described as the trip of a lifetime too many thoughts emcompas my head. So many people have asked me how I'm feeling but if I'm totally honest I've been replying with the answers that I feel they want to hear and not how I'm actually feeling. Up until a week ago I'd been completely numb to the fact I was about to get on a plane and go and set up camp in a completely different country and culture.  It felt more like an out of body experience and that I was peering in on somebody else's life. This surely could not be me. This kind of thing happens to other people never to me. But indeed it was my life I was looking in on and it is me who has been chosen out of so many to assist in setting up a brand new store in a brand new market for one of the world's biggest high street fashion brands.

Queue mini breakdown of last weekend. The mix of a lot of alcohol, good friends and the realisation that I was about to leave my support unit behind for 6 whole months is enough to push any sane person with real feelings over the edge. It was however exactly what I needed to give me clarity and now begin to feel the real excitement and anticipation that I knew I should have been feeling a couple of weeks back. Now I'm just chomping at the bit to get on that plane and begin the next chapter of my life.

I can't wait to explore the wonders of India.  All this week I have been bombarding myself with countless YouTube videos of India and New Delhi. My sister was also kind enough to arrange a meet up with one of her work colleagues who actually grew up in Delhi and so got an inside scoop on what to expect and how to keep safe especially as a foreign woman.

The amount of support I have been receiving from loved ones has been quite overwhelming. My social media has not stopped with well wishers. I truly am blessed to have so many people who care about me in my life. For those who have asked and strongly suggesting I will be attempting to regularly document this part of my life's journey. I've even been convinced to give vlogging a go. This is very much going to be a time for trying many new things.

So now my visa application has been accepted the bags are pretty much packed. Just one or two more goodbyes and I'm good to go. India here I come.

1 draft of packing 
2nd draft of packing
3rd draft of packing
For anyone interested in following any of my other social medias I'll leave the usernames below.

Thank you

B xx

Twitter : @bomaliscious 
Instagram : bomaliscious 
Tumblr : bomaliscious - The Beauty Inside Us All
Snap chat : bomaliscious 
YouTube : Boma Oruwari